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Engine Heater Common Failure Caused from Installation or Operator Error and How to Prevent Them
1. Engine heater plugged in while engine is running
The heating element Should Not be energized while starting the engine. The vibrations in conjunction
with the added engine heat will cause the element to burn out or rupture. It is also advisable to
wait a minimum of 1 minute after unplugging heater before starting engine. Additionally, if the
heater is being used on a generator or other stand-by equipment an oil pressure switch for automatic
cut-off may be required.
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Engine Bearing Failure Analysis
Engine bearings depend on a film of oil to keep shaft and bearing surfaces separated (figure A).
Bearings fail when the oil film breaks down or when the bearing is overloaded. The oil film is
generated by shaft rotation (figure B). At rest, the shaft and bearing are in contact. On start up
the shaft rubs the bearing briefly. Running, the shaft pulls oil from the clearance space into the
wedge shape area between the shaft and bearing.
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How to Identify PowerTech Engines
Confusion exists between previous “Liter” designated 300 series John Deere® engines and newer
“Powertech” engines. This is from engine model numbers, which indicate displacement, being the same
as before. However, the engines are totally different with very little parts interchangeability.
For someone not totally familiar with the engines, the best way to quickly identify Powertech versus
Liter designated engines follows:
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The Importance of Liner Protrusion
I must tell some one the importance of their cylinder liner protrusion at least once a week. As
crucial of a specification to pay attention to, it is quite often the most forgotten. It is quite
possibly one of the easiest to measure using a bridge micrometer or a dial indicator.
So what exactly is the purpose of liner protrusion?
Liner protrusion is the distance the cylinder liner sticks above the deck surface of the block. The
main purpose of cylinder liner or sleeve protrusion is to give you the proper amount of “crush” on
your cylinder head gasket. This ensures that once torqued, your cylinder head crushes the gasket
evenly and to the correct specification.
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What is an Underhaul Kit?
Our engine underhaul kits contains all the parts necessary to perform an engine bearing roll-in.
Typically these kits include rod bearings, main bearings, rod bolts and an oil pan gasket.
Preforming an engine bearing roll-in between engine overhauls greatly extends the life of your
inframe or overhaul. We currently carry a number of underhaul kits for John Deere®, International
Navistar® and Cummins® engines.
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Measurement Conversion Charts
Final Engine Assembly - Keeping it clean
The importance of cleanliness
During a complete overhaul, parts such as the engine block and crankshaft may have needed machining.
Most machine shops will clean those parts if requested. However, if you did not request it to be
done, that responsibility falls on you.
Once you get your components back and are ready to assemble, it is crucial that you make sure all oil
holes and passages are spotless.
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Cummins ISX Inframe Technical Bulletin
There have been several updates to the components in the ISX15 / QSX15 engines since they were
original introduced. Making sure you use compatible designed components in your build is critical to
the service life of this engine.
All Pistons within the engine must be of the exact same design style. You cannot mix open skirt,
closed skirt and 2 piece articulated pistons in the same engine. Also, all pistons must be installed
facing the correct direction.
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Broken Crankshaft Syndrome
A broken crankshaft is not a common occurrence. Cranks can break due to a casting or forging flaw but
this is very rare. Today’s quality control systems for forging and machining crankshafts are state
of the art. Very seldom do you here of a new crankshaft breaking “out of the box”. Usually a crank
will break because of another failure. In a diesel engine the amount torque created during a failure
such as a spun bearing can cause a crank to snap.
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